'; Reading Geological Society - Outreach

Outreach and Education

We are working to develop education and outreach programmes with the aim of raising awareness of the importance of geology to everyday lives, and inspiring people of all ages to become engaged in this fascinating and fundamental science.

Education for schools

Our Schoolrocks! initiative, run in conjunction with the Geologists' Association, involves providing schools with rock boxes designed to meet the requirements of Key Stage 2, year 3 science and GCSE Geography. The boxes contain a selection of UK rocks, fossils and minerals and are fully supported by lesson plans and resource materials. Follow this Schoolrocks! Year 3 link to see further details and a typical year 3 rock box.

We are also pleased to support STEM open days or other school activities. We currently offer the following primary school workshops in conjunction with the Geologists’ Association.

In addition to the Schoolrocks! boxes we can provide engaging geological games and a handling collection of local rocks and fossils.


The society exhibits at national and local events. Our exhibits include rocks, minerals, fossils, geological maps, photographs and other interesting information relating to recent field activities and the local area.

In 2020 as a contribution to the GA Virtual Festival of Geology we produced a virtual field trip looking at the various geological ages throughout the UK. A video showing that presentation can be seen below.
In 2021 we produced another presentation for the GA Festival reviewing our field trips to France. A video of that can also be seen below.

In 2023 we were back to in-person meetings at UCL, our first since 2019. The posters displayed on our stand are listed below. Follow the links to see the posters.

Educational Geological Games

These games have been designed to interest and amuse people who are approaching geology for the first time, so assume no prior knowledge. They were developed in conjunction with the Geologist's Association and can be downloaded and used to introduce aspects of geology.

Concrete - An introduction to raw materials for cement and concrete manufacture together with use of geological maps. The game demonstrates that earth materials occur in specific areas and therefore geologists are needed to site any geologically based operation – excavation, mining, road building, tunnelling etc. Some preparation and easily available samples are required together with a suitable 'leader'.

Extinction - A game that introduces the geological periods in the Paleozoic and Mesozoic and the associated mass extinctions. This needs to be printed to provide a game board and suitable counters supplied. While the board has some illustrations of typical fossils, the addition of real, appropriate fossils will add to interest.

For further information about our outreach and education programmes, please contact the Society via our  Outreach Liaison 
We look forward to hearing from you.