The Reading Geological Society is a fully inclusive society which welcomes anyone who has an interest in geology. We have been active for over 48 years.


Based in Reading, Berkshire (UK), we are a friendly and enthusiastic group for amateurs, professionals and all those interested in Earth sciences, who want to discover more about the earth, its rocks, minerals and fossils.

We have monthly meetings offering lectures by experts and friendly discussion. All are welcome and there is no charge for visitors.

Our monthly field meetings provide an opportunity to travel around the UK with fellow enthusiasts. We also arrange extended field trips further afield and sometimes abroad.

River Thames

Our Society is a Local Group of the Geologists' Association.

We have links with the Berkshire Geoconservation Group that help in conserving geological sites in Berkshire. Their website gives an overview of the Geology of Berkshire and shows details of the Berkshire Local Geological Sites.

If you would like more information then click on this link to see the "About us" page where membership information is available and also a button to send a brief email to our General Secretary.

Next Lecture

3 March 2025
From lava to law enforcement: tales from the Restless Reykjanes, Iceland
Presidential Address
Prof. Alison MacLeod   University of Reading

Next Field Meeting

9 February 2025
The Ferricrete of Berkshire
Leader: Lesley Dunlop   BGG